Feasibility Study «Reconstruction and development of external railroad Transport due to the increase of steel production to 7.5 mln. tons per year at Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works «(dog. № 5274)

Feasibility study for Reconstruction and Development External rail transport made in view of the commissioning of the converter shop and a new sinter plant turns (1st place — a sintering machine, stage 2 — two sintering machines) with a capacity of 12 mln. T / year of sinter.

The feasibility study envisages the construction of:

Phase 1:

electrified railway line connecting art. Vigorous (v. Western-Sortirovoch Nye) — Art. North-Technology, the length of 2.48 km with two overpasses at the intersection of tunnel-type railway by drop-hammer plant.
Phase 2:

removal of the main ways of «Ukrzaliznytsia» from the territory of the AMC;
a connecting path item. Ebullient — Art. North;
two receiving and departure path at the station. North-Technology;
two garages thawing;
Electrification: connecting paths Art. Ebullient — Art. North Art. North-Technological — Art. Komunarskiy, receiving and departure tracks at the station. North and three ways to Art. North-Technology;
reorganization of communications, contact network, signaling, road, driveway TSTNP.
The feasibility study envisages measures to ensure high productivity, fire safety, work safety, proper sanitation.

In connection with the development of AMC and justified increase in turnover:

track development and implementation of acceptance operations at the station. North;
acquisition of five locomotives series TGM 6A;
inclusion in the EC switches and signals of stations North and North-Process (will significantly save time on cooking routes);
the sort of empty wagons at the station. North-Technology by type of goods (for loading), the owners of cars, as well as sending excess empties the external network in the direction of art. Vigorous (will reduce employment pathways at stations east and Komunarskiy).
Additional staff of railway workers AMC will transport 284 people. «Ukrzaliznytsia» — 42 people.

With the commissioning of the railway Transport new sinter plant significantly reduced the volume of processing stations wagons Western and ore-sorting and staff employees of these stations.

The estimated cost of construction of one line at current prices amounted to 43 million. UAH (SMR — 21.6 million. UAH.), 2nd stage — 318.8 million. UAH. (Construction — 187.2 million. UAH.).